How to Promote a Logistics Company Through Video Marketing?

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August 25, 2022

You need to establish a strong digital video presence if you want to succeed in today’s industry. Consumers might not even be aware that you’re in the market if you don’t already have a strong video marketing brand.

There’s no denying that video has risen to the top of the digital chain. And as technology develops and the world changes faster, video marketing is becoming more and more crucial.

To better communicate with their customers and increase their brand visibility, more and more companies are turning to corporate video or corporate video making. In fact, video has become an essential element of marketing communication.

        Source: Freepik

How can video marketing help you grow your company?

Producing high-caliber videos to enhance your marketing efforts 

You are going to need a few items in order to produce videos that sell. To begin, your video has to have a high production value. In the event that it is not, your audience will most likely not desire to watch it.

Second, you need to make sure that the video is engaging. People like watching videos that are not only entertaining but also deliver some kind of benefit. Third, your video should be relevant to the people you are trying to reach. In the event that it isn’t, you run the chance of losing viewers as well as prospective consumers.

The fourth step is to ensure that the content of your video is relevant to the subject of your video. If it isn’t, potential viewers may not be interested in watching it. Fifth, before you begin recording, be sure you have a solid understanding of the subject you will be covering. You may be certain that your videos will be of good quality and relevant to the discussion at hand if you follow these steps.

Increase website or blog traffic with video marketing

Through the use of video marketing, there are a number of different approaches that can be used to rank better on SERPs. Term-driven videos, which concentrate on a certain keyword, may be used. This will assist you in targeting your audience and will enhance the likelihood that individuals interested in that term will find your video and watch it.

Advertising-funded videos are also an option, which are videos that are funded by an advertiser. You will be able to reach more people as a result of this, and the likelihood of your movie being seen by individuals who are interested in the advertiser will also rise. Last but not least, you might make use of videos from social media, which refers to videos that are published on social media websites such as YouTube and Facebook. Incorporating these videos into your information technology blog can enhance relations between your clients and fans. By using social media videos on your blog, you also provide the opportunity to share informative content directly with those audiences, offering insights into the world of IT.

Why should your growth marketing include video marketing?

There will not be a fundamental shift in the way digital marketing works as a result of the introduction of video marketing. It existed before the creation of YouTube. Despite this, its significance is steadily expanding and has rarely been higher than it is today. If you don’t make the most of this opportunity, you’re going to miss out on some potential financial gain, as I’ll explain below.

Because video is the future of content marketing

In recent years, Internet users have unconsciously developed immunity to intrusive advertising.

Today, if you want to succeed in your digital strategy, your only concern should be the creation and distribution of informative, educational, and relevant content to your audience.

Your goal will be to convert prospects who consume your content into customers, and your customers into loyal brand ambassadors.

However, you may be a little too late if you haven’t already started on this plan.

The net is saturated with articles, blogs, e-books, and white papers, the Internet user of today is faced with an abundance of information and, you must fight to harvest a fragment of the 7 seconds of attention he has left.

Because video is the preferred format for your prospects

Sustainable companies and start-ups understand that marketing strategy must be flexible to evolve in parallel with customer behavior.

A video marketing agency like AddVideos was born to meet this need. It helps you increase your sales by integrating video into your current strategy.

Today, your prospects are increasingly turning to video content. 

YouTube, the second-largest search engine after Google, is the result. There are 1 billion users and 46% of them act after watching a video, whether it is :

  • To look for more information
  • To contact the advertiser
  • To buy directly
  • To visit the website

If you still haven’t grasped the idea, these numbers are gargantuan. But in order to take advantage of it, you have to take into account that video content only makes sense if it is conveyed to a target audience.

Video marketing can only have a profitable action if a link of trust is already established.

To create a strong connection with your target

Video is a real engagement machine (as long as you don’t make mistakes). Humans are constantly seeking to identify with values, with an identity, which is why they consume a high number of contents per day.

Video is your opportunity to show your human, creative and emotional side while giving the best user experience to your target. Your video marketing efforts will help you establish your positioning in their minds, but also focus on interaction.

You don’t want to offer content because it’s the trend. No. Instead, you want to create content that sticks in the minds of your audience.  It’s time for you to step up and make video marketing a core part of your marketing strategy. 

                                        Source: Freepik

Case study: how is DocShipper using video marketing?

DocShipper is a global logistical and transportation company that assists clients with all elements of procurement, shipping, and warehousing. The company now has ambitious goals. With an eye on establishing itself in this industry, it now aims to expand to each place on the planet.

In reality, DocShipper operates internationally via a network of agents and is the only business to merge three departments in order to handle the supply chain completely:

  • Procurement in China to assist the supply chain (provider search, quality assurance, conformity, etc.)
  • International logistics to meet freight needs (shipping tracking, packing, customs duties)
  • 3PL (B2C distribution) to aid E-Commerce companies with logistics (housing, order preparation, Last-Mile Distribution…).

Docshipper’s entire marketing strategy is done on the web through its various websites. Acquiring customers is not easy, and it can be complicated to make a place for yourself in a market where large competitors have a monopoly. That’s why Docshipper tries to stand out by creating new marketing products such as this video. Indeed, a video marketing strategy has been used to extend their reach, especially on YouTube and social networks.

Logistics is revolutionizing, and marketing has to keep up to avoid missing out on potential customers. DocShipper understands this!

Finally, this video allows them to show their expertise in a clear and entertaining way. Their customers can more easily see the solution to their problem through this video, and it will allow this freight forwarder to gain more customers and gradually become an important player in tomorrow’s international logistics.

Case study: how is DHL using video marketing?

DHL has come a long way since its establishment in 1969. Having started as a document courier, DHL has become the world’s leading international express logistics company. Today, almost 50 years after its foundation, DHL Express employs 100,000 professionals and delivers 1.3 million shipments per day in over 220 countries worldwide.

Their video marketing strategy is one of the most powerful, and it shows the usefulness of this type of marketing for a very large evolution of a logistics company.

Their YouTube channel amassing almost 90,000 subscribers with a video having more than 225,000 views is one of the biggest for international logistics companies. That’s why their presence on social networks is not a coincidence.

Case study: how is FedEx using video marketing?

FedEx is also a leader in the international logistics sector. Its marketing strategy has been for many years very well controlled allowing them to be known, generate buzz, and win new customers, especially thanks to video marketing.

Indeed, we all know the different ads that Fedex has published on television, generally showing a package delivery man doing everything to deliver as fast as possible without damaging the package. Almost every year, Fedex spends tens of thousands of dollars on video marketing, and it doesn’t stop there.

Fedex’s strategy goes even further, as they even appeared on the big screen of the cinema during the release of the movie “Cast Away”. Released in 2000, “Cast Away” is one of the most famous films by director Robert Zemeckis and actor Tom Hanks. It holds one of the greatest mysteries ever seen in cinema: that of a FedEx package that is in the film, and which is never opened by the main character. A great advertising collaboration for the brand!