5 Unique Ways To Leverage Video On Your Ecommerce Site

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November 16, 2021

The success of your e-commerce site depends on how much revenue you generate over time. To do this, you need to sell as many products or services as possible.

The challenge now is attracting the right people to your online store and continually improving the conversion rate of product pages. And regardless of your site’s niche, e-commerce is a generally competitive industry. You want to get any advantage you can get your hands on to improve your sales and profitability.

Among the different tactics you can pursue, video marketing is one of them. If you haven’t tried creating videos to encourage more people to buy from your store, you’re in luck! In this post, you’ll learn the diverse ways you can put video marketing to work for your e-commerce business and enable you to hawk more customers.

#1 – Create How-to Tutorial Videos of Using Your Product

The best way to introduce your products and services to your audience is to show, not tell. Aside from taking high-resolution photos of your physical products, film a video of someone demonstrating to viewers how to use your products to full effect. By narrating the step-by-step process of putting your products to good use, you leave little to viewers’ imaginations, and they can see the products in action. This way, people will have a complete understanding of how it works to make an informed decision. “And on top of that, you can save a lot of time by enabling users to get information via videos rather than having long chats with your support team in live chat.”

This is why small and large e-commerce focuses on video marketing, employing video editing experts, and clipping path service company to ensure eye-catching product photos for their website.

Video tutorials are even more popular in the cloud application space. You can film someone using your software from their desktop, with a voiceover detailing the steps of using its different features. Aside from this, you can also invite people to your webinars and showcase your product live with attendees. 

Similar to webinars but not as widely implemented are live commerce. It’s a more immersive and dynamic experience, and selling products to your customers and how-to tutorials are at the center of it all.

You can engage with them from both video campaigns by answering their questions and getting to know your audience better. 

#2 – Gather Customer Video Testimonials

Creating ad videos of your products is a rule of thumb in video marketing. However, the problem with this approach is that you’re expected to put your best foot forward. The video will focus on the best features of your products and not mention any of their shortcomings. 

This is understandable, considering that your goal is to generate more sales. However, due to the nature of these videos, they may come off as disingenuous and biased towards your products.

To curb this issue, you need to complement it with customer testimonials on video. Getting genuinely satisfied customers to review your products is a great way to get on the good side of people still on the fence about your product.

First, it’s been proven time, and again that user-generated content (UGC) is an effective way to encourage people to buy your product. Since customers have no stake in your business and are sharing their true feelings about using your products, there’s a greater chance that they’ll convert into customers as a result.

Gathering video customer testimonials is easy with the help of various online marketing tools like VideoPeel and VideoAsk. You can embed them on one of your site’s pages so they can record the video or audio of their testimonials. They can then submit it to you once they’re done so you can edit them as you see fit. Finally, use the videos on your landing page or create a testimonial page to share videos from all your satisfied customers.

Aside from customers, you can also get influencers to help you get the word out about your business by doing a video testimonial for you. 

Unlike regular customers, you will have to shell out cash to get them to give your product a glowing review. 

However, they have a sizeable following that is also most likely to become your customers once the influencer publishes the ringing endorsement of your product on their social media.

#3 – Pull the Heartstrings Using Storytelling

A good video about your product won’t mean a thing if your target audience doesn’t feel anything after watching it. 

Aside from their minds and wallet, people buy with their emotions. In fact, there’s a good chance people may purchase a product if they feel they have to get it even though it’s beyond their budget or doesn’t make any sense.

Integrating storytelling into your videos helps mold them into something more than your products. It could be what they or your business represents as a whole. 

A perfect example of storytelling in the video is Nike’s “Just Do It” ad with NFL player Colin Kaepernick. The video contains the slogan “Belief in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” The ad was coming hot off the heels of Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem before the games protesting police brutality and being blackballed from the league ever. 

His inclusion in the ad sparked debate among consumers. Some boycotted Nike, a sports apparel brand, by burning their sportswear on video.

Nonetheless, by taking a clear stand, Nike was able to tell a simple but powerful video message in two minutes that resonated across the country. And despite the backlash, the ad was a success—Nike’s stock increased by 5% weeks after the ad was released.

While you don’t have to create a provocative video as Nike did, it nonetheless shows you to power that storytelling wields when done right.

Again, you need to make the video bigger than the product you’re selling. Although your goal is to increase sales, storytelling allows you to tap into the hopes of people who share your same vision in life. By tapping into these emotions in your video using creative advertising and the like, you can successfully engage them in multiple ways, leading to an eventual sale of your products. Then you can spruce up the message by getting a professional with a copywriter career to do the writing for you.

#4 – Lift The Curtain with Behind the Scenes Videos

Your e-commerce is more than the products and services you sell. It also has to do with the people working round the clock to make your entire business possible. Behind every successful company are people like you and me trying their best to keep things afloat.

For this reason, you want your audience to associate your brand not just with your mascot or logo but with the faces of actual people working behind the scenes. And you can do this by sharing videos that show these hardworking people in action.

One of the best ways to approach this is getting your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to record a video introducing themselves to the world. It doesn’t have to be fancy—just let your CEO be in their element and talk about the business.

This video by Raspberry Pi CEO is as simple as it can get, but it’s surprisingly effective. He talks about the $5 computer they’re selling and why it helps coding be more accessible to everyone.

The video didn’t have slick editing or an entertaining script. Nonetheless, it was able to stand out due to the knowledge and passion of the CEO as he introduced its product to the market.

You can also create videos of your employees working with charitable organizations. If your brand has a charity that feels strongly about helping, you can shed more light on the cause by creating a video for it. 

However, for these videos to work, you and your team have to be sincere and genuine about them. If the videos feel forced or hokey, then your audience won’t buy them and your products. 

#5 – Develop Video Content Campaign

You don’t want to test the waters for video content creation for your e-commerce site. You want to jump off the cliff and into the deepest part until you get it right.

Using the different tactics above, you can brainstorm ideas for your upcoming video content strategy. 

For instance, your videos must engage people in the different stages of your buying funnel. First, create various how-to video tutorials to help introduce your products and brand to the market. 

You need to publish success stories and customer testimonials to help nudge those familiar with your business into buying your product. 

And once they’re customers, create videos that teach them how to get the most out of your products so they can achieve more with them.

When developing and launching your video ad funnels, you can combine all these videos to ensure greater social reach.

Also, you can repurpose some of the videos you created and publish them across different online channels to make the most out of your content. For example, you can cut down customer testimonials into short videos that you can share on Facebook and Instagram. You can even create new videos with help from an Instagram videographer if you need high-quality videos optimized for posting on this platform.

Another channel you can consider creating video content for, assuming that you share its demographic, is TikTok. Aside from uploading your spliced videos here, you can increase your brand’s online visibility by joining hashtag challenges and creating viral videos.


Videos done correctly can make a world of difference for your e-commerce site. Since you’re selling tangible and physical products to your customers, you want to bring the products as close to them as possible. Videos are the closest things that could get them to life and help you make that sale.

By implementing the video marketing ideas above, you should stand out from the pack and increase your revenue in the process.