How to edit videos in minutes for beginners?

How To Edit Videos In Minutes For beginners (8 Expert Tips On Video Editing)

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July 22, 2020

An ordinary content is just one editing step away from becoming the best means of communication that can make a noteworthy difference. Whether you are communicating to a set of audiences through written words, recorded audio, video or even on a live stream platform, editing should always be there on your checklist. It is an essential part of creation because this is the only aspect that brings the quality element in anything you create with all your efforts. Now, in case you are creating an online course you need a content authoring and instructional design platform to create a proper learning experience, thus a learning management system is required.

You need to be cautious while engaging in the editing practice because the presence of potential mistakes can ruin its significance and might result in redevelopment. Moreover, the variation in the types of content also affects the editing process. Evidently, there is a vast difference between modifying a piece of written text and editing a series of visuals and clips. Editing texts can be improvised using several grammatical and typography tools, whereas editing videos require much more than just software; you require knowing how to edit videos.

Significance Of Knowing How To Edit Videos 

These days, video marketing is ruling the corporate sector with its massive impact on the viewers. The digital marketing industry is loaded with video development and promotional campaigns as every other business is embracing the practice of video marketing for boosting the sales rate. Even though there are many well-known portals and social networking websites that can be used for video promotion, YouTube is considered the best platform for it.

Even though YouTube provides you with billions of viewers and a convenient user interface, it has now become a highly competitive marketplace. Therefore, if you are producing a video for YouTube, you need to make sure that your video is entirely error-proof. To conceive a better idea for video development, you must know how to edit videos and make them optimized for the right audience.

Video editing is an extremely prominent part of video production. But, it takes a lot of practice and experience to achieve the kind of perfection that can attract a broader range of audiences. YouTube is filled with different content types, and many YouTubers have settled a mark using basic editing techniques. You should learn the basics of editing for YouTube by taking an online course, such as the YouTube Kickstarter, created by Sven Pape and EditMentor. What makes YouTube the best platform for video marketing is that it doesn’t need any professional training for video production as long as your content is unique and relevant, but still you should have at least a basic understanding of how to edit a video.

What Do Most YouTubers Use To Edit Their Videos? 

This is the question that roams around in the mind of every video marketing professional. Even though it is a convenient portal for content creation beginners but still requires basic knowledge and skills of how to edit videos in a way that can optimize quality. If you are new to YouTube and video marketing, then you can look up to online video editing software such as VideoCreek. This is one of those online portals that beginners can take into consideration to simply start video production.

In general, video editing is a time-consuming process, especially when you are not familiar with the software you are using. Fortunately, some online video editing platforms deliver with so many features such as intro maker, outro maker, etc. that makes the video editing procedure quite easy even if you don’t know how to edit videos. Hence, video editing can be done in a matter of minutes if you select the right option to go for it. Other than this, you should also keep several ground rules in mind while producing a video, so you don’t have to splurge your efforts on free video editing. 

Let’s take a look at some of these video editing tips that will help you understand how to edit YouTube videos or how to edit videos in general, that can help amp your video’s views:

1. Analyze Your Audience

What does your audience expect from you on the innovative front? This is the question that you must ask yourself when you are about to edit YouTube videos as a beginner. Every famous YouTuber who has accomplished a loyal viewership  is familiar with the expectations and preferences of the target viewers. Once you assess the choice of your audience, you will be able to focus on building an impactful content roadmap for the videos. Once a strategy roadmap is clear, all you have to do is learn how to edit videos accordingly.

audience analysis

2. Optimize The Use Of Text

Video editing is already a complicated procedure, but it becomes even more complex when it includes a substantial amount of text. There is a significant difference between a video containing a text and a Powerpoint presentation. So, you need to optimize the use of text per second in your video so your viewers can read everything and grasp the information you are disseminating in each span of time. Once you learn how to edit videos, it would be a lot easier for you.

text optimisation

3. Pay Attention To Alignments And Frame Settings

When it comes to editing a video, most creators avoid the importance of alignment and frame setting. On the contrary, this is the part that will maintain the artistic aspect of your video and will engage a more prominent criterion of audience. Let your content optimization technique decide whether your content needs to be aligned left, right, or in the centre. These are some factors that you can learn from your own experience and by watching tutorials on how to edit videos. 

Video alignment and frame settings

4. Select Accurate Animation Style

While answering the question on how to edit videos, renowned professionals recommend choosing an accurate animation style for numerous visuals. A YouTube video can be created only with the help of some images if those images are included in the video with an animated effect. Even a boring image with minimal appeal can hold your viewers’ attention when you present it after applying an apt animation style. Online video editing software provides so many options for beginners where they can select different animation styles for a specific image and help them learn how to edit videos.

Apply an apt animation style

5. Remove All Unnecessary Elements

Video marketing is the most concise form of promotion where the scope of creativity is enormous, and yet the time is limited. When you already have your access to a constrained form of promotion, you must not waste it on unnecessary elements. Several issues, such as extra spacing or irrelevant details, spoil the essence of the video, especially when you are on a time crunch. Video editing is one of the most essential and vital aspects of video production so you must neglect the possibility of losing the interest of your audience on pointless efforts. Also, for this reason, you must know how to edit videos so that you can make it appropriate for your views and the medium where you are going to post it.

Audience might loose interest due to unnecessary elements

6. Optimize The Time Duration For Each Visual Clip

In the world of marketing and promotion where the competition is cutting edge, time duration defines the quality of your performance. Professionals who acquire expertise in video production suggest that irrelevant things should not be included in a promotional video. Apart from this, you must optimize the time duration of each image and video clip that you want to add in your video. Do not give additional coverage to those parts that don’t convey much information related to the title of your video.

Optimise time duration for video clip

7. Choose Soft Dissolving Effects In Between Two Consecutive Clips

Video editing can become way easier than you think if you try to edit it from the perspective of a potential viewer. Keep your target audience in your mind while editing a YouTube video so you can achieve the effect you want for your viewers. For example, don’t include any unusual elements in your video and try to keep it simple, especially when you are a beginner in video editing. Instead of adding any out-of-the-box effect, you might want to use a soft dissolving video effect between two different clips. This way, your audience will not lose interest in the video during the transition of clips.

Choose soft dissolving effects

8. Use An Intro And Outro Maker

Many online options for video editing offer a broad array of features so beginners can easily develop a video and can learn how to edit videos. Besides so many attractive features, some online editing software also provides the option of intro maker and outro maker. With these fantastic features, you can create catchy intro makers for your video that will lead your viewers to the entirety of the video. On the contrary, an outro maker will end your video with any desired ending note you want to share with your audience.

intro and outro for your video


Video editing is a vital part of video production and promotion, so you must avoid taking any risks in that area by learning how to edit videos. If you find the best video editing software for beginners, then you can save a lot of time that creators usually waste on complex platforms. You can seek for a highly customized online software like VideoCreek that can offer an extensive array of options for beginners. This way, you will be able to save yourself both time and effort during the editing process. All the best!