How to edit YouTube videos?

How To Edit YouTube Videos? (10 Things To Remember)

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July 21, 2020

Based to various parameters, YouTube is considered the world’s biggest social media site today. With millions of people logging in every day to browse content, YouTube is undoubtedly one of the most active websites in the world at the moment. It is arguably the world’s largest source of multimedia content, and indeed the go-to place for scores and scores of people if they wish to look for, browse, or enjoy the content that they like.

YouTube’s journey to this spot has not been easy. In twenty years of its creation being founded, it has faced challenges from all kinds of websites and content aggregators, both traditional and new. What sets it apart is that it has never been averse to innovation. The growth of YouTube has been driven by its content creators, and YouTube has neither forgotten to thank them, nor acknowledge them for this feat. In fact, over the years, YouTube has become a significant source of income for a number of the most popular content creators on the website.

How do you become a YouTube content creator? Of course, the first step is to learn how to make a YouTube video as well as how to edit YouTube videos. While this does seem easy at first, there are several things any content creator must never forget while creating content for YouTube. 

Here is a list of ten such things:

1. Knowledge Of Your Audience

For any content creator, knowledge of your audience is certainly a must. This does require a significant amount of research, as it is prudent to assume that audience is dynamic. The same demographic of people who were  regular viewers of YouTube in the past might not be now. A decade ago, YouTube was mainly the hegemony of young viewers who were new on the internet.

Over the years, the graph of the age distribution of YouTube viewers has flattened considerably, and now people of all ages and backgrounds are regulars on YouTube. Similarly, it is no longer bound by geographic location. With the ever-increasing spread of the internet, YouTube is now accessible from all corners of the world.

Knowledge of your audience

2. Ideation

Another process one must consider before making a YouTube video is the process of ideation. While creating any content or product, ideation is significant. If one starts making content without proper ideation or vetting of concepts, it causes the quality of your final product to fall. Ideation involves brainstorming new ideas, analyzing their feasibility, and getting feedback on their effectiveness.

Feedback helps the content creator gauge the prospective impact of their content on the viewer’s end and is very important if you want your video to be successful. The idea of the video should be novel, and the replication of a concept that has been tried and tested previously. YouTube is a free platform and allows content creators to innovate concerning their content.

YouTube video - Ideation

3. Marketing

Once any content has been created, it is important to market the content effectively and thoroughly. This involves choosing the right marketing tool for your YouTube video. The internet is full of all types of marketing tools, and the one that is most suited to your video must be chosen. If your website has a large number of hits and a large native user base, you might want to post an update about the video on the website. 

Facebook marketing has gathered speed over the years since it provides users with highly customizable options with regard to choosing the kind of audience they want to target with their posts. Advertising on the internet and offline portals, is also a way of marketing, though it does tend to spread out the word of your content too thin and renders it less effective.

Marketing YouTube Video

4. Equipment

When you want to make a YouTube video, equipment is of paramount importance. Even before you know how to edit YouTube videos, you need to make the YouTube video with the best equipment readily available to you. Equipment is important as is decides the quality of audio and video that is uploaded to YouTube. A low-quality video can often be a major mood swinger for users even if your content is great, and make them navigate away from your content.

While it is often too much to assume the availability of production-grade equipment, many economical options that offer similar quality are available on the internet. Before choosing your equipment, browse major technology websites on the ones that offer the best value for money, make your high video quality, and are cost-effective.

Equipments for YouTube Videos

5. Location

An important lesson in learning how to edit YouTube videos is that the video’s location can lead to a make or break situation for the video maker and the editor. The background can be too bright or too dull or provide a contrast with the topic being spoken about.

If the background is alright, a stable base may not be available, causing the video to blur and vibrate. It is always important to have an appropriate background, which does become a distraction, taking attention away from the subject of each frame. 

Video Location

6. Recording

This is the part where you are the most important. Recording the video places you in the director, producer, and main protagonist’s shoes. You need to play all these parts well and effectively for your video to be of the highest possible quality and be watched by a large number of people.

Always have a script for the video, and practice multiple times before you record. Do not fall for the trap of complacency; at the same time, do not be overly conscious. Place your equipment on a steady surface and try not to move it around too much during recording.

YouTube Video Recording

7. Editing

Knowing how to edit your YouTube video is an art of its own. How you edit your YouTube video is largely dependent on the amount of experience you have. If you are a novice, there are many resources on the internet to learn how to edit YouTube videos. There are a number of free YouTube video maker software as well as free YouTube video editor software available on the internet.

For beginners who wish to learn how to edit YouTube videos, this can be preferred. As the experience level of the user increases, the user may move on to a better and more sophisticated YouTube editor software that provides a number of more features.

YouTube Video Editing

8. End Screen

Over the past years, the art of how to edit YouTube videos has expanded to include the art of how to make the perfect end screen. The end screen is an option provided in the YouTube editor to add up to 20 seconds of static or animated footage at the end of your video to encourage the viewer to navigate your other content.

YouTube has been actively encouraging the use of end screens, and any content creator must learn this to learn how to edit YouTube videos. Software like VideoCreek can help you make YouTube videos as well as create introductions and end screens for your videos.

YouTube Endscreen

9. Publication

Once you’ve learned how to edit YouTube videos and implemented your knowledge in your video, it is important to choose the right settings and time to publish your video on YouTube. You need to be visible to a large audience, hence classify your video according to its relevance with a genre as well as the popularity of the genre.

Furthermore, time your video in such a way that at least a large bulk of your subscribers can watch it. YouTube provides advanced data analytics on user watching preferences, which can help you decide the same.

Video Publication

10. Optimization

Another crucial aspect of mastering YouTube video editing is understanding search engine optimization. While many creators overlook elements like metadata, keywords, and hashtags, they play a vital role in expanding your video’s visibility beyond your subscriber count. Additionally, ensuring video accessibility for all viewers, including visually impaired individuals, is important. Incorporating features like audio descriptions and transcript uploads not only make your content inclusive but also contribute to a broader audience reach.

Use the advance setting capabilities available on the YouTube editor to their fullest to reach the greatest audience.

YouTube Video Optimization

It is hence evident that while it is easy to learn how to edit YouTube videos, there are also many intricacies involved in the process. Any person who wishes to learn how to edit YouTube videos must keep these in mind while producing his/her first video. These tips can be useful not just in understanding how to edit YouTube videos, but also in helping your video reach a wide audience, thereby increasing your subscriber base.