7 Tips to Create a Pitch Video for Your Startup

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December 7, 2022

Your startup pitch launches your startup. Thus, mastering the art of pitching is essential to your startup’s success.

Although pitch desks are the most common form of startup pitches, videos are incredibly engaging and extremely effective in generating new leads. In fact, one study shows that 93% of businesses have gotten more new leads by incorporating videos into their marketing strategy. This shows that viewers are more active and engaged when watching videos. Investors and potential customers who view videos are invited to a narrative and an opportunity rather than reading static text.

Pitch videos help startup founders raise their next round of capital by making it convenient for investors to learn more about their startup and entice them to fund their ventures. In the highly competitive industry in which these startups operate, having a pitch video can accentuate their brand’s sales and marketing efforts. However, creating a pitch video that meets the expectations of the target audience requires the expertise of professionals. A video creation service is ideal for startups developing authentic and aesthetically pleasing videos to help pitch their business to the target audience and enhance their brand identity and awareness.

Investor video pitches are also an excellent alternative for time-constrained investors seeking a quicker way to identify and go through transactions and can help startups stand out from the competition. And even though everything is returning to normal after the pandemic, watching a video pitch can provide investors with much more information about your startup than simply reading through a deck.

However, many startup founders don’t know how to create a compelling pitch video.

This article will explain seven tips for creating a compelling pitch video.

How to Create a Pitch Video for Your Startups

Startup pitches are typically in the form of a pitch deck. It’s usually a 10- to 20-slide presentation that provides a short overview of your startup, business plan, and vision. Pitch Deck Presentation gives potential investors more information about your business.

However, startup pitch videos differ because they stand out among your rivals and attract possible investors’ interest. The ability to personally and deeply connect with your audience through pitch videos may pique the curiosity of potential startup investors in your company and its products.

Campaigns using videos have a much better success rate than those without. Videos can more strongly engage viewers, inspire them to customer support your project and draw in an audience that might not have the time or patience to read your written story.

Don’t know where to start? Here are seven tips to help you create a pitch video for your startup:

Have a Goal

Every pitch should have a goal behind it. If it doesn’t, then you shouldn’t be pitching.

Some examples of goals are raising awareness, obtaining funding, persuading someone to work for you, or even validating your idea.

Whatever your pitch’s goal is, make sure that it follows that it’s a SMART goal. That is, the goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

For example, suppose your main goal when creating your video pitch is to persuade investors to invest their money in your startup. A SMART goal for your pitch video could be something like this: “Get 4 investors to invest $25,000 by the end of Q1 of 2023.”

Include an Engaging Story

When creating a video, you’re able to tell a story.

Storytelling helps guide the audience through the video, strengthening their emotional connection because you’ll take them on a journey alongside you. Since your audience can attempt to relate to the emotions being shown, using people in the storytelling process allows you to add a personal touch. They will be able to visualize themselves as the people and put themselves in the position of someone else, which will help them understand the story you are telling.

You can also start by telling your story first. Most likely, you were the one who needed help finding a solution to a problem. After doing so, you decided to share it with your intended audience. There will be conflict, a yearning for change, failure, and success in that tale.

You may use that to create a brand narrative that puts your target audience in their position. Once they recognize it, investors will relate to the narrative and picture it enticing customers in stores or advertising.

Keep it Short

With pitch videos, get to your point as soon as possible.

The first three seconds of any video, animation, or advertisement are crucial to engaging your audience, and people are more inclined to watch your entire video if it is brief.

The most popular length for videos is between two and five minutes. You want your video to not overwhelm viewers with too much information, which could eventually bore them. One great way to achieve this is to speed up the less essential portions of your pitch while slowing down the crucial parts, drawing the investors’ attention to them more.

Highlight your benefits

It’s crucial to understand the distinction between features and advantages. A feature is a product’s technological component, and the advantage is how it improves our lives.

Always put a product’s advantages first. After that, you can demonstrate the product’s features and describe how they contribute to the benefit.

Please don’t overdo it with the material; instead, focus on a handful of the key ideas you think would most appeal to your prospects.

Get Visual

When pitching your business, numbers are essential. After all, you don’t want to provide your investors with a generalized business concept without any evidence to support your assertions.

However, it would help if you also were careful not to overload the investors with all the numbers you have on hand since this can cause your pitch to lose focus.

Instead, pick out the specific numbers and statistics that are crucial for your business and can help capture the investor’s attention instantly. Use images, pictures, video clips, and customer testimonials to demonstrate the traction your startup has already attained.

And if you need to elaborate on an advantage, consider adding a voice-over or visual component instead. It’s great to add data and statistics (where necessary), which gives potential customers more understanding of your company’s performance and how you can assist them in realizing their objectives.

Don’t be shy

Brag about your startup’s expertise and accomplishments.

Include client testimonials or success stories. You may show potential customers first-hand accounts and glowing recommendations, persuading them to purchase.

Consumers check internet reviews before making a purchase, and recommendations from others are the most likely source of future customers for your products or services. According to 72% of consumers, positive customer evaluations boost their trust in a company, and reviews, according to 88% of consumers, affect their online purchase choices.

Practice makes perfect

You’ll gain confidence and improve the command of your message by repeatedly practicing.

Most unicorn company stories center on their impactful presentation techniques, which led to millions of dollars in fundraising. It makes sense for company owners like you to become frustrated when investors reject your pitches after doing several of them.

However, most people don’t know that these well-known firms with successful histories had humble beginnings. Even famous companies like Google had to propose to several investors before they could get funding. You can also practice your Pitch with companies like Simpalm, who specialize in working for startups.

Don’t give up, and keep practicing your pitch. Every “no” will bring you closer to your desired “yes.”


Using a pitch video is a massive opportunity for your startup. Creating and optimizing videos for your website can lead to many doors. You can take advantage of the ever-growing popularity of video content and improve your chances of having investors and customers and ranking high in search engines.

Looking for a video tool online to help you make your pitch video? Try VideoCreek.

We provide free video intros and online tools for your website, business, blog, vlog, YouTube channel, broadcasts, and more. No installation is required, and you can use our online video creator whenever or wherever you want.

Go ahead and try it now!